ColgateVillage - home of The Prisoner?

Colgate wants to own fraternity houses, to gain more control over the students.
This enables access for police to arrest fraternity students for minor drug and alcohol charges
as Colgate has allowed thousands of students on University owned property to become prisoners.

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Stop trends that may turn Colgate

into The Village

"I think we need to consider seriously the history and role of fraternities and the hyper-macho sports at Colgate"
Nigel Bolland, Professor of Sociology

Number 6
playing the macho sport of  hockey

Number 6
as a pawn in lawn chess

Colgate students are free thinkers...

not just willing pawns on the lawn

The Beta house and other fraternity homes were taken by
Colgate University, in a forced sale, after their expulsion.

British Agent John Drake's home was taken by
the authorities and sold after his abduction.

Betas may return to find University assigned residents in their home

He returns to find a Mrs. Butterworth now owns his home.

Administration Building

Administration building and observation dome

The President

The President "Number 2"

Chairman applauds the new "Number 2"

The Control Chair - Who is Number 1?

Committee will charges student with being
a member of a fraternity, or recruiting others

Number 6 is called before the Committee for being
unmutual and for encouraging others to resist.

Court action has already been necessary
to defend property rights
and the right to freedom of assembly

He refused and was sentenced in a kangaroo court

Court will unfortunately become a more common experience
as young men on Colgate property are more exposed to minor charges.

Another defendant, a young man, refuses to comply
and sings a defiant song of freedom before the court.

The Prisoner
Students on University property are hundreds of times more likely to be arrested than fraternity students.  Most of the reason for this is that fraternity men are better behaved. Colgate allows Hamilton police on University property to pursue even minor charges as a control mechanism over its students.

The Prisoner

Number 48 and others are sentenced to jail and
brain washing or "reprogramming" for the  dubious charges. 
Colgate uses "social engineering" or "residential education."

Campus Crime Statistics 2001-2003

Colgate-owned Property
Non Colgate-owned Property
Liquor Law Violation
Drug Law Violation
"Illegal" Weapon Possession (despite 2nd Amendment)

The Colgate Administration is probably very embarrassed by these statistics.  Perhaps they want to "even out" the statistics by owning the fraternity houses.  Then Colgate Security would be free to stroll through the houses.  Colgate Hamilton police would given search warrants to patrol University owned property.  Colgate obviously has no qualms about allowing its students to be arrested.  More fraternity men would graduate with a police record, in addition to their bachelors degree.

The way to stop drug and alcohol abuse is not through prosecution, but through education.  Herbert Benson MD, Chairman of the Department of Behavioral Medicine at Harvard Medical School has published numerous studies showing that training in the Relaxation Response technique markedly reduces drug and alcohol abuse. The experience of a wakeful hypometabolic state of consciousness relaxes and satisfies the mind and body in a naturally balanced way, without the use of external substances or chemicals.  Stimulating and exercising untapped areas of the brain is a pleasurable experience, but is best done through meditation, not drugs, which has no adverse side effects.

Reduced Drug and Alcohol Use

Benson, H.; Wallace, R., et al.  Decreased drug abuse with Transcendental Meditation: A study of 1,862 subjects. In Drug Abuse: Proceedings of the International Conference, ed. Chris J. D. Zarafonetis, pp. 369-376. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1972.

Don't ban fraternities
Offer meditation training as part of the curriculum

Everyone lives under control of The Board
Everyone is monitored
Unauthorized fraternity members are punished
Independent thinkers are made to conform
Forming fraternities is outlawed
Meetings are supervised and parties chaperoned
"All's well" propaganda through The Colgate Scene
No one is truly allowed to live "off campus"
Fraternity properties sold against their will
Administration is secretive about its plans
Colgate Security will monitor all fraternity houses
It is hard to tell which side they are on
The purpose of the facility is information
High technology in a small town
Efforts to control all students
Residential Education
Social experiment of an elite fiew
Most residents do not realize they are prisoners
Most seem to have given up hope of independence
Colgate says they "need more unambiguous control" over students
You won't get our house!
Every one lives under control of The Committee
Everyone is monitored
"UnMutuals" are punished
Independent thinkers are made to conform
Forming any groups is outlawed
All meetings must be supervised by Village Guards
"All's well" propaganda through The Tally Ho newspaper
No one is truly allowed to live "off campus"
Captives' properties were sold against their will
Administration is secretive - "That would be telling!"
Security monitors all residences in the Village
It is hard to tell which side they are on
The purpose of the facility is information
High technology in a small town
Efforts to subjugate and control all villagers
Residential Education
Social experiment of an elite fiew
Most residents do not realize they are prisoners
Most seem to have given up hope of independence
The Council needs absolute control over the villagers
By hook or by crook we will!

Did you ever do any illegal drugs as a Colgate student?
Would you be as successful today, if you had an arrest record?

Application for Employment
and Security Clearance

Name:   Your name                                

Address Your home                              

Education:  Colgate University                                    

Have you ever been arrested?  Yes No


Don't let Colgate turn students in to Prisoners

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Colgate University

Hamilton New York

Constitutional Rights

Links to sites about "The Prisoner"

Sounds from "The Prisoner"

sound "The Prisoner" TV series Theme Music - MP3 Listen (850 KB)

sound "The Prisoner" TV series Prologue - Listen (600 KB)

sound "The Prisoner" TV series midi - Listen (48 KB)

sound Village Theme - Frank Mazuca's site

sound I am not a number!  I am a frat man!

sound Unlike me, many of you have accepted the situation of your imprisonment...

sound You won't get it!  By hook or by crook, we will!

Colgate has the permission to install security
cameras on all University property
and one day may exercise that ability.


"Be seeing you!"

The Prisoner is a trademark of Everyman Productions, and BBC

